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Couples Coaching For Infidelity

“What about Love? What about Trust? What about US?”

It Happened. Now What?

You are here, but a part of you may be thinking that there’s no coming back from this, no way to save your marriage or relationship after an affair. Whether you are the partner who feels betrayed or the partner who had the affair, I am here to tell you that it is not necessarily the case. Although the healing process can be painful and challenging (really painful), relationships can survive and even thrive but after you do the work to make it through to the other side with infidelity therapy.

Regardless, despite what took place, you are here because some part of you even if it is tiny still hopes your relationship can survive or atleast knows that there are so many questions, so much learning and understanding that needs to happen to rebuild your marriage with infidelity therapy.

Where Do We Even Begin?

Recovering from infidelity isn’t easy – it requires vulnerability, courage and commitment from both of you to participate in painful conversations with each other and engage in your own self-reflection to uncover where the relationship went awry.

As a Certified Coach and Licensed Psychotherapist specializing in relationships and experienced in working with many couples in the infidelity space, I am here to help you and your partner find a way back to each other. Couples Coaching for Infidelity is a step-by-step, goal-oriented process that serves as a road map to help you and your partner to heal, repair and rebuild from the aftermath of the affair with infidelity therapy.

While you can’t erase what happened, you can both learn to better understand what happened and release the hold that the affair has over you and over the relationship.


In Couples Coaching for Infidelity, I will work with you and you partner to:

  • Make space to fully and deeply understand what lead to the affair and create your lessons learned
  • Define and understand what may have been “red flags” in the relationship which were ignored
  • Heal from the pain and sense of betrayal one or both of you feels
  • Utilize communication tools to tackle difficult conversations now and in the future
  • Feel empowered to get your needs met in the relationship
  • Re-envision what a healthy relationship looks like
  • Re-establish a sense of safety and trust with one another
  • Determine healthy boundaries and expectations
  • Develop a blueprint of what you want your life together to look like moving forward
  • When ready, develop ways to rediscover your sense of connection and intimacy
  • Work together to design a better version of your relationship and create the next chapter in your lives

Recovering from infidelity can leave both of you feeling isolated and resentful. As your Relationship Coach, I will support your relationship through painful conversations, difficult decisions, and deep self-reflection. I will provide feedback and consultation. I will be your support and accountability partner. Because I understand that everyone’s relationship situation is different and everyone’s needs are unique, I offer customized coaching packages. If you are uncertain about the marriage and or determined to seek divorce, discernment counseling (hyperlink) or divorce support (hyperlink) would be the better option for you.

Connect with me today and let’s get your relationship started on the road to recovery.

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