9 Tiny Startling Signs You’re Dating A Narcissist
Would you be able to recognize the signs that you're dating a narcissist, or do you just suspect there's something not "quite right" in your relationship?

Yes, You Can Find Happiness After Divorce — But Only If You Accept These 4 Truths
Everyone deserves happiness, whether your relationship status is single, married, “it’s complicated,” or mid-divorce. But it can be hard to remember that you…

Why Creating A "Relationship Contract" Builds A Stronger Relationship — And The 5 Things It Needs
Do you and your partner have a relationship contract? Although you may not admit it, most people still love a good romance. You know, those intoxicating love…

The Reason Why So Many Couples Get Divorced After Fifty & 10 Ways To Avoid Becoming One Of Them
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the rise in divorce after 50, a.ka. "Gray Divorce." Many couples that make up these populations are members of the…

8 ‘Green Flags’ That Let You Know Your Relationship Is Right For You
We often focus on the red flags of a relationship. We look for behaviors that let us know that this person isn’t right for us or that we may be embarking on a…