12 Foreplay Ideas You And Your Partner Can Do Throughout The Day
Sexy time doesn’t have to start once you’re both in bed together and between the sheets. Actually, the anticipation of what’s to come (ahem) can be even more…
11 Everyday Habits Of The Happiest Couples That Anybody Can Do
Right now, the divorce rate in the United States is hovering around 50 percent. That means that approximately half of the couples in the U.S. were probably pretty…
How To Celebrate Grandpa From A Distance This Father's Day
Father’s Day isn’t just an opportunity to celebrate dad; it's a reason to honor the patriarch of the pack, too: Grandpa. That's going to be a little bit trickier…
15 Signs Your Marriage Will Survive Infidelity
When a spouse strays, both parties in the relationship are likely to feel like their world has been shattered. An affair — whether emotional, physical, or any…
What To Do If You & Your Partner Don’t Agree On What’s Safe Post-Quarantine
Even if you and your partner have both spent the past several months desperately wishing for things to get back to "normal," now that restrictions are beginning…
14 Things The Best Partners Do On Father’s Day That He’ll Genuinely Appreciate
With all the tear-jerking commercials and ads telling you to send your mom flowers, Mother's Day is hard to forget. The same can’t always be said for Father’s…
These 20 Fun Video Chat Activities Will Keep Kids & Grandparents Connected
Sure, you love and adore them, but being at home with your kids 24/7 can make you certifiably insane. But even if you’re sick of being stuck together, you have…
Instead Of Screaming, Here’s How To Talk To Your Husband About His Hour-Long “Poops”
If your husband disappears into the bathroom for what seems like an unnaturally long time, leaving you to deal with your kids, your dog, and dinner all alone, it…
Here Are 8 Signs That Your In-Laws Have Too Much Influence Over Your S.O.
In a healthy relationship, your in-laws respect the boundaries set by your relationship, offer their guidance (but don’t necessarily expect you to take it), and…
What To Do When Your Partner Chooses Video Games Over Helping With The Baby
Communication in a marriage can be a tough subject when things just aren't clicking — especially in those fragile few months after you have a baby when you're…
20 Most Common Things Parents Argue About During The Holiday Season
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. So why are you snapping at your partner and always feeling aggravated? Thing is, you’re not alone. Fighting…
Here Are 20 Things To Talk To Your Partner About That Aren’t Kid-Related, For Once
When you’ve been in a long-term relationship with your partner, it’s easy to run out of things to say. Let's face it, “How was your day, dear?” might not…