15 Surprising Ways to Get Out of a Funk
Everybody has those days: When you just feel downright blah and can’t figure out how to snap out of it. You’re not depressed or dealing with any other specific…

8 Self-Care Strategies to Help Out Future You
For many of us, self-care refers to the things we turn to when we’re in desperate need of a mental health pick-me-up. The thing is, relying on it to put out fires…

25 Journal Prompts for Your Happiest Days
Happiness is pretty great, right? Right. And as much as you want to optimize those good vibes, journaling and getting all self-reflective is probably one of the…

8 Ways to Get Psyched About Life Again
Raise your hand if you have felt personally victimized at some point (or many points) since 2020. We’re all raising our hands now, right? If you’ve been feeling…

7 Things to Talk About in Therapy When Things Are Good
If you’ve ever been in therapy, you definitely know the feeling of being ready for a session. Maybe your Notes app is filled to the brim with talking points or…

6 Questions to Ask the Next Time You’re Having a Great Day
Chances are that when you’re having a bad day—or string of bad days—you’re super focused on how to put out this mental dumpster fire. Maybe you pull out…