The Trailblazer: Women Leaders, 2023
Babita Spinelli is an internationally recognized award-winning psychotherapist, executive coach, mental health consultant, and relationship expert. She focuses on…

How To Fine-Tune Your Own Uniqueness? Exclusive Interview With Award-Winning Psychotherapist Babita Spinelli
Babita Spinelli is an internationally recognized award-winning psychotherapist, executive coach, mental health consultant, and relationship expert. She focuses on…

Watch "Season 2, Episode 24: Babita Spinelli" on YouTube
Babita Spinelli is the CEO of Babita Spinelli Group and Opening the Doors Psychotherapy, where she provides an empowering space for clients to explore what holds…

Babita Spinelli, LP JD Wins Psychotherapist of the Year - New York
We invited winners from our Americas East Coast USA Prestige Awards 2021/22 to The Lexington Hotel on the 8th September 2022 to meet the judges and celebrate their…

Babita Spinelli - Business Book Launch
Welcoming Babita Spinelli to the digital launch of 'A Woman's Guide to Business Domination.' This book is an exceptional curation of chapters from women around…

Babita Spinelli - Women's Biz Tribe Success Summit Speaker
Women's Biz Tribe Success Summit welcomes to the virtual stage Babita Spinelli Babita Spinelli is the CEO of Opening the Doors Psychotherapy and Embrace Coaching,…

Babita Spinelli: Female Founders Podcast
Listen to this podcast episode to learn more about Babita’s journey and how she is bringing about a positive and healthy change in the lives of those who are struggling…

Babita Spinelli - Opening Doors to a New Beginning
Babita Spinelli, founder and CEO of Babita Spinelli Group and Opening the Doors Psychotherapy, has been a frontrunner in empowering businesses and individuals transform…

How To Get Over An Affair With A Narcissist With Babita Spinelli
Babita Spinelli, LP JD shares How to deal with an affair with a narcissist with Kate London for her podcast.

How to handle mental health in the ever-growing age of social media.
International Award Winning Psychotherapist Babita Spinelli, LP JD joins Speak As One Founder Julie Korioth to share her story of how she got into this field and…

The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz Episode 18 with Babita Spinelli, Donna La Scala, Kathryn Ford, and Mark Balog
The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz is a safe and comfortable place for listeners to put their feet up and escape from the daily grind while we offer you comfort…

Mindset of Success: Scarcity to Abundance with Babita Spinelli
Working a job is difficult when you don’t enjoy it. It can be even worse when that job is a career and you feel trapped and unable to leave it. But career changes…

Episode 55: The importance of Mindset w/ Babita Spinelli
Babita Spinelli, Licensed Psychotherapist & Certified Coach joins JD and Melissa interview for the JD and Melissa's Show , " The Real Estate Jam" where they…

Money Talks, Love Listens Episode: 14 Balancing Married Life during the Pandemic!
Babita Spinelli, Licensed Psychotherapist & Certified Coach joins Gwen Washington and Jim Garabedian interview for the interview for Gwen's show, " Money Talks…

How Anxiety Shows Up In Our Lives And Managing It With Babita Spinelli
Babita Spinelli, Licensed Psychotherapist & Certified Coach joins April Disher on her podcast "Better Health with April" where she talks about Anxiety- how it…

Keep your relationship thriving during the pandemic
Take relationship advice from Dating Coach and Psychotherapist Babita Spinelli. Join in on the conversation with Sydney Neely.

How To Keep Love Alive Amid COVID-19
Couples have been cooped up amid COVID-19, and for some that means spending more time together than ever before. The stress of everyday life, mixed in with the…

Every Relationship Needs a Counselor, with guest Babita Spinelli
Relationship expert Babita Spinelli joins us this week on the podcast for a special Valentine’s Day episode. The relationships we have in our lives are important…

Love in a lockdown: Relationship coach shares tips on keeping that spark
Babita Spinelli is an accomplished psychotherapist and certified relationship Coach joined NewsChannel 7 at 4 on Thursday to offer tips On how best to keep love…

Did You Know You Were With A Narcissist? -Psychotherapist Babita Spinelli Tells Us We Are Not Alone
What to do when clients are in Psychotherapy and describe dynamics in their relationship but are not aware they are with a narcissist. Through the work, this is…

Keeping the love alive on Valentine's Day amid COVID-19 pandemic
It was such a pleasure to be on the WWMT-TV and interviewed by Hannah Knowles about my perspective on keeping the love alive amid the Covid-19 pandemic check out…

Keeping Love Alive During the Pandemic
As we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our relationships. The pandemic is filled with stressors and challenges that…

Relationship expert Babita Spinelli offers tips on love
Keep love alive in 2021 with some of these love and relationship tips from psychotherapist Babita Spinelli. She tells us the do’s and don’ts of relationship…

Tips for Keeping Love Alive During Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has presented so many challenges for couples. Licensed therapist Babita Spinelli has some tips for keeping the love going by having self-care…

Career Change with Babita Spinelli
In this episode of the For Her Empire Podcast, Babita Spinelli talks about career change; Specifically about career transitions. She also talks about the steps you'll…

Memoirs of Successful Women
In this episode of Memoirs of Successful Women, Transformation Queen Annie Gibbins interviews Licenced Psychotherapist / PsychoanalystBabita Spinelli Opening the…

House divided: husband and wife rooting for opposite Super Bowl LV teams
Relationship expert Babita Spinelli says being present, mindful, and learning the art of pivoting can help mend sports rivalries between couples.

Narcissism with Babita Spinelli
In this episode of the For Her Empire Podcast, Babita Spinelli speaks about narcissism; specifically what to do if you are dating or married to a narcissist. Babita…

Keeping the love alive in a pandemic
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The pandemic is filled will stress and challenges that could shake up even the healthiest of relationships. Nationally recognized psychotherapist…

Keeping love alive in the pandemic
Nationally known psychotherapist and relationship expert Babita Spinelli is interviewed on ABC10 YourCaliforniaLife.com sharing her relationship advice to navigate…

Pandemic Impact on Relationships
Babita Spinelli is interviewed on Fox 19 Morning XTRA. COVID-19 is giving couples the rare opportunity to spend more time together, and as result, many couples are…

Setting Realistic Goals for 2021
Babita Spinelli joins WWLTV to breakdown how to succeed in the challenge of setting realistic new year resolutions.