You Are Ever Evolving
E.M.B.R.A.C.E. It!
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Hi I'm Babita
I help men and women tune into their unique selves and embrace life and relationships fully
I appreciate that you are here. The fact that you are reading this means you are searching for something and allowing me to connect with you. It’s either you want more for you or you know your relationship needs work. You just don’t know how or where to start. A great way would be with my many life coaching services
In my work with hundreds or more clients I realized something huge – it’s not just one thing that delivers. It’s taking specifically, thoughtfully and with care a tailored approach to what is going to DELIVER RESULTS! My clients feel safe, deeply understood, energized, respected and experience the results they desire. Results that are not only effective and action-oriented but deep and meaningful. Which is why all of my life coaching services are tailored for every person.
Whether you want to laser in on something specific or shift your overall, life, work or relationships in a positive way. I customize sessions and draw from services I offer accordingly. In my work it’s a blend – I take everything I have absorbed, researched, learned, experienced and applied for years and work with YOU to define and get the results you want – A life you can embrace fully, happily, and with authenticity.
Take a look browse, absorb and reach out. I am here to get you there … Are you?
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Rebuilding Life After Divorce Or Relationship Breakup: Creating Your Meaningful New Future
Learn how to process — and release — the uncomfortable feelings from your divorce or break up so you can let go of the past, embrace the wonderful person you are (and are becoming), and create an exciting new vision for the next chapter of your life — all in just 8 weeks!
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